This study on working capital management as a tool for business survival was carried out to examine the impact of working capital on the corporate performance of a manufacturing firm, The Ramsgate pharmacetical store which is located just outside the borderlines between Lagos and Ogun state, Nigeria was used for the study. A survey method was used for this study. The population consisted of all the entire Male and Female staff of Ramsgate pharmacetical store. It is concluded that Capital Management has significant effects on the business survival, Administrative official and other Management Carefully manage the financial resources in a prudent and cost effective manner in order to make the society very effective and well developed. There are significant effects of capital management on cooperate performance. Among others, it enhances prudence on the part of the management committee. It safeguards the investments of the cooperate shareholders etc.
Despite successive governments' efforts to alleviate poverty, Nigeria's condition is ra...
The suitability of hardwood charcoal and snail shell particles for carburizing mild steel was investigated. All the mild steel s...
This study assessed the impact of religiosity on business ethics. The descriptive survey research design wa...
In recent times, the idea of food security has undergone transformation from the perspective of having adequate available food a...
The purpose of this study is to find ou...
The major thrust of this work is to arise the impact of television advertising on Etisalat market audience; a study of Owerri me...
Effective contract planning in construction projects is not only crucial to attainment ofproject objectives but...
Background to the study
Brunekreef and Holgate (2002), Künzli et al. (2000), and Pope et al. (2002...
ABSTRACT: The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in vocational training for IT and cybersecurity careers is pivotal for preparing students...
This research work assessed the social studies curriculum implementation in J...